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What You Need to Get Started:

          Your VividNET user name and password
          Your Win95 CD-Rom or disks (in some cases)

          A list of VividNET Modem Dial-up numbers
Step 1: Verify that Dial-up Networking is Installed
From the Win95 desktop, double-click on My Computer and there should be a folder called Dial Up Networking. If there is, then you can proceed to step 2. If not, here are instructions for creating it.


Step 2: Verify that the Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP Protocol are Installed
Press the  Start  button, select Settings..., then Control Panel. Double-click the Network icon. You should see a dialog box like this. Make sure the Configuration tab is selected. Both Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP should be present (like in the screen shot), then you're ready to proceed to step 3. If they are not, click for instructions on installing...


Step 3: Set up a Connection Icon
Open up My Computer from the desktop and double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon. Double-click the Make New Connection icon. This will walk you through the Make New Connection wizard. Click here to view a screen shot of this.

Type in VividNET for the name of the computer you will dial into. Your modem (which should have been configured when you installed Windows 95) should be shown in the Select a modem: area. Choose Configure if you wish to check modem related settings. (If you have a 28.8 speed modem or above, use 115,200 for the Connection speed. If 14.4 modem, use 57,600).

Click the Next  button in the Make New Connection wizard. Enter your local access phone number. If you did not receive one at sign up, visit http://www.VividNET.com/html/ppp.phtml to look one up. Verify with the operator that the number is indeed local to you before using.
Press the Finish button and your icon will be created.


Step 4: Setting the Dial-Up Properties
Select your newly-created connection icon, press the right mouse button and choose Properties... with a normal left click.

Press the Server Type... button. You'll get the Server Types dialog box. Uncheck everything except Enable Software Compression and TCP/IP. You should have a screen that looks like this  Next click on the TCP/IP Settings button and make sure you have the following. At the top, Server Assigned  IP Address should be chosen. The next section, for Name Server, should also be Server Assigned . If you have trouble connecting (protocol errors) then try selecting Specify Name Server and enter the following for the Primary and Secondary numbers. Use your mouse to tab between sections:

Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

No entries are needed for WINS Configuration so leave those as zeros. Make sure the Use IP Header Compression and Use default Gateway boxes are checked, then click OK until you get back out to the VividNETnet icon you created. If you would like, you can put a shortcut to this on your desktop by right-clicking on the VividNETnet icon, then choose create shortcut.
Step 5: Dialing in and Getting Connected
Double-click your session icon that you recently made. You'll get the Connect To window Put your username and password in the appropriate text areas. These should be entered with username at lower case only, the password may be case sensative depends on the way it is set-up with VividNET and be sure you don't have @VividNET added to your username. Click Connect to start the dialup process. Once a connection is made, you can startup your browser and you should be on the net! If you would like to tie your dialer directly to the browser - so the Connect To window automatically comes up when double-clicking the browser - go into your Control Panel under the My Computer icon, then double click on the Internet icon. Go To the Connections tab, and make sure to choose Connect to the Internet as Needed, and select VividNET as the Dial Up to use. The next time you restart your computer double clicking the browser icon  on the deskto to start the dial up process.

* * * * * * * * This Completes MODEM Dial-UP to VividNET for Win95 * * * * * * * *

Adding Dial Up Networking (if not already installed):

Press the Start button, select Settings..., then Control Panel. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.

Select the Windows Setup tab, then click on the Communications option and press Details.... Make sure that the Dial-up Networking option is selected and click OK. Windows 95 will attempt to install the needed drivers, so make sure you've got your installation disks or CD handy! Now that Dial-up Networking is installed, you can proceed to step 2 from the top page.

Adding Dial Up Adapter and TCP/IP (if not already installed):

To add the Dial-Up Adapter, hit the Add... button, double-click Adapter, then scroll down the list to  Microsoft. Choose the Dial-Up Adapter and hit OK.

If you need to install TCP/IP, hit the Add... button, double-click Protocol, then select Microsoft, then TCP/IP, and hit OK.

Now your Network dialog box should contain both Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP. Select the adapter, click    Properties...Bindings, and make sure the TCP/IP box is checked. Reboot the computer to update the settings. You're now ready to proceed to step 3.



| Personal Connection | Web Design | Frame Relay | Network Consulting | Server Co-location | Main Page |
| Web Hosting | Support | Download | Modem Dial-up #'s | 56K X2 Dial-up Cities |

VividNET Communication, Los Angeles
-a division of OPM Corp.-

H e a d q u a r t e r  A d d r e s s :
13781 Roswell Ave. Suite B
Chino, CA 91710

Business Account Dept:
[Frame Relay, Web Hosting, Web Design, Network Consulting]
Fax: 626.551.3100
Email: info@vividnet.com

Frame Relay & Server Co-location Dept:
Email: frame@vividnet.com

Web Hosting Dept.:
Email: web@vividnet.com
Personal Account Dept.:
[Modem Connection to VividNET via 56K/33.6K]
Fax: 626.551.3100
Email: sales@vividnet.com

For any question or comment regarding this site, please direct to web@vividnet.com
©1998 Omniscient Progressive Management Corp.